I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡ I'll hold you in my arms and hold all your dreams ♡
JUNE (he/they)
world's silliest guy

August 2024

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Welcome to my corner of the internet, this is my virtual sandbox, which I shape into whatever, I like whenever I like. You are currently exploring version five ( spring picnic ) of layercake. This website looks best on desktop!
☆ Shrine navigation page is now mobile friendly
☆ Recreated about page, should be mobile friendly

★ Reworked main page to work on mobile

☆ New main page once again (spring picnic, V5)
★ New about page with updated information
☆ New site button !!

★ Main page retheme (seawater, V4)

☆ Fixed pages
★ Adjusted shrines
☆ Joined webrings

★ Archive page remade
☆ Resources website created
★ Credits modal added
☆ Joined pixel groups

★ New journal enteries
☆ Reorganized site folders
★ Themed links page
☆ Added cbox

★ Cleaned up code
☆ Added resource page and resources
★ Rethemed about page
☆ Journal page created
★ New main theme (pink palace, V3)

☆ New main page theme (candyfloss, V2)
★ New main page theme (monochrome, V1)
☆ Archive page created
★ Resource page added
☆ Creation of layercake button

★ Completed and rethemed main page (unarchived, V0)
☆ Completed about page

★ Site Creation
JUNE (he/they)
world's silliest guy

August 2024

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Welcome to my corner of the internet, this is my virtual sandbox, which I shape into whatever, I like whenever I like. You are currently exploring version five ( spring picnic ) of layercake. This website looks best on desktop!
☆ Shrine navigation page is now mobile friendly
☆ Recreated about page, should be mobile friendly

★ Reworked main page to work on mobile

☆ New main page once again (spring picnic, V5)
★ New about page with updated information
☆ New site button !!

★ Main page retheme (seawater, V4)

☆ Fixed pages
★ Adjusted shrines
☆ Joined webrings

★ Archive page remade
☆ Resources website created
★ Credits modal added
☆ Joined pixel groups

★ New journal enteries
☆ Reorganized site folders
★ Themed links page
☆ Added cbox

★ Cleaned up code
☆ Added resource page and resources
★ Rethemed about page
☆ Journal page created
★ New main theme (pink palace, V3)

☆ New main page theme (candyfloss, V2)
★ New main page theme (monochrome, V1)
☆ Archive page created
★ Resource page added
☆ Creation of layercake button

★ Completed and rethemed main page (unarchived, V0)
☆ Completed about page

★ Site Creation
what sucks more?
pollcode.com free polls
click the button to copy the code for it!
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CutecoreNova's Future Break<title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <!-- The style.css file allows you to change the look of your web pages. If you include the next line in all your web pages, they will all share the same look. This makes it easier to make new pages for your site. --> <link href="/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all"> </head> <body> <h1>Welcome to my Website!</h1> <p>This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: <a href="https://neocities.org">Neocities</a>.</p> <p>Here's how you can make <strong>bold</strong> and <em>italic</em> text.</p> <p>Here's how you can add an image:</p> <img src="/neocities.png"> <p>Here's how to make a list:</p> <ul> <li>First thing</li> <li>Second thing</li> <li>Third thing</li> </ul> <p>To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these <a href="https://neocities.org/tutorials">tutorials</a>!</p> </body> </html>